What Makes Me Happy
An exhibition by members of the Woolgoolga Art Group
In our new exhibition opening 3rd June, we are asking our members, the age old problem “What makes me happy”
It is the human condition to always question “how could I be happier”. The past year has forced many people to reflect on the happiness question and many people have changed their opinions on what make them happy, maybe the Woolgoolga Gallery members have as well.
The Scientists have it all worked out, Its Dopamine, the habit former and Oxytocin the love hormone, it’s Seratonin the status and leadership hormone and its the Endorphins the natural painkiller.
So what is it to our members, do they simply have a cuppa, or maybe a good red or white, is it a chat with a friend or a cuddle with a love one, is it children and their laughter,” will they take a walk or read a good book, maybe it is as simple as laughing and smiling and giving someone else a compliment.
You will never know until you come into our gallery to see our members exhibition “What makes me Happy”
Opening Night:
Friday 4th June @ 6pm
Tickets available at the door:
$5 members
$10 non-members